The international community must act now to arrest the situation in Somalia

Dear Editor,

The situation that is unfolding in Somalia, in the Horn of Africa, does not look well; and many will continue to die if bold steps are not taken now by the international community. So bad is the situation that the United Nations is warning of 750,000 deaths. This is indeed very serious, and should not be taken lightly by anyone.

Editor, we are talking about 750,000 people dying from starvation; that is literally a whole country being wiped out. Guyana, for instance, has approximately that amount of people. Latest reports have indicated that the drought, which is worsening, is the worst the country has experienced in 60 years.

Billions of dollars which are being spent on armaments and other war materiel by some developed countries could be used to assist drought-torn Somalia, where people are reportedly dying every day.

This is indeed a human tragedy of unmatched magnitude.


Joe Drakes

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